Trendy Vs Personal Style

In a constantly changing design world, nailing down your specific style for your home can be a challenge. Just alone in the trendy Farmhouse world there’s Traditional Farmhouse, Modern Farmhouse, Farmhouse Cottage and on and on. 

While sometimes we get caught up in the trends, they don’t always represent our own personal style which leads to never being satisfied with the look of your home, or always feeling like something is missing. 

So, it’s ok to have your own personal style and have a look that keeps your home updated with not just the times, but to suit you and your family’s style, needs and stage of life.

Someone recently said to me when I was out shopping for tile and it made me laugh, but so true — “Who cares if it is trendy, if you love it — do it!” I love it!


“Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.”

-Billy Baldwin


Home Should Reflect You

Home should be one of your favorite places in this world. It doesn’t have to be grand, massive, luxurious or over-the-top, it just needs to be yours. 

Where to start? Make your home work for you. Designate a purpose for each space, have a vision in your mind of how you want the spaces to function.

When selecting paint, furniture, finishes and even decor, loving every aspect will help you embrace your space. Pulling everything together may take time, even years, but that is exactly what is going to help you make it reflect you in your living space. 

Sometimes references like Pinterest may be completely overwhelming, but searching for and saving your absolute favorite spaces can be a great sounding board when starting from scratch. Use this as a shopping guide and inspiration to find those pieces and creating the feel you’re searching for. It’s there for this reason!

“Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.” Billy Baldwin